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Rules & Information
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last post Nov 25, 2022 5:50:42 GMT Duelist Points & Traits
Rina Kasakura Avatar
Arcs & Events
All relevant Roleplay Arc/Event Information are to be placed here. Any major talking points about arcs/events will be brought up in threads on this board, but will be directed to - and discussed on - our Discord server.
last post Feb 6, 2021 22:19:59 GMT Time Frame: Current Events & Activities
Rina Kasakura Avatar
Character Index
Character Profiles & Templates
This is where you'll go to post your Character Profile.
You'll also find the Character Index here, as well as approved profiles to have an idea as to how yours should look.
last post Jul 5, 2024 3:59:07 GMT Axar Drogo
Rina Kasakura Avatar
General (OOC)
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A forum for members of the community to host OOC/Non-RP tournaments and house their details and records.
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If you're looking for somewhere to test things like page layouts, etc. on the site, you can do that here, as well.
last post Mar 9, 2023 15:14:50 GMT List of Baseline Story Ideas for RP-ing
Rina Kasakura Avatar
Forum Feedback
Did we miss something? Something you think could use some work? Let us know here! Please.
last post Feb 4, 2023 16:52:31 GMT Q&A I Guess?
priest Avatar
Liberta Duel Academy
Main Buildings
This area, the "School Zone," acts as the first of the academy's three Zones; the front - or face - of Liberta!
The Main Academics(center), "Creative Literature & Design"(left), and "Science, Engineering, and Technology"(right) buildings of Liberta Duel Academy rest here, each with a path leading far behind the main academic building and stadium, connecting to the Grand Courtyard, which is the center area between the School Zone and the Dormitory Zone.
last post Jun 25, 2024 1:17:56 GMT Shout
hikari Avatar
The Duel Stadium
The large, stadium-sized Duel Arena - or Auditorium - attached to the back of the academics building features the latest in Kaiba Corporation Duel Monsters technology, and even sports platforms reminiscent to the old Duelist Kingdom and Battle City official Duel Arenas. The arena can be used whenever while it's open - as long as its not being reserved for any looming events.
The stadium grounds double as an auditorium for student gatherings. It can shift modes/transform for an Auditorium feel.
last post Sept 19, 2021 5:03:18 GMT An Awfully Low Strength Plateau (Masumi/Jinsei)
Jinsei Terumi Avatar
The Grand Courtyard
The Grand Courtyard, a vast and expansive area similar to a park is found between the 3 dorms. The centrepiece: a grandiose fountain, featuring Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The fountain, itself, stretches roughly 34ft (10m) wide in diameter. Lining the main courtyard are small plots for gardens and trees, and benches are placed in various places. Ultimately, the Grand Courtyard is the central point of Liberta, with every building connecting to here, in some way.
last post Aug 21, 2022 3:21:07 GMT Head in the Clouds (Riku | Doku)
Doku Shi Avatar
Sports Zone
The track area, sports fields, and the gymnasium with a swimming area are for the less Duel Monsters-oriented folk.
Located in the back third of the academy's zones, just after the dormitories, the Sports Zone caters to the athletically-minded - as well as those who just want to play regular sports. All are more than welcome to do so at one of the many sports fields built for Soccer and Football(shared) and Baseball. Or, if you're feeling like indoor sports, the gymnasium in the zone is well equipped for games like Handball, Dodgeball, Basketball, Volleyball and Table Tennis. A swimming facility in the gym is available; indoor and outdoor Track Fields also exist for students and faculty alike.
last post May 18, 2022 23:07:21 GMT Getting Fit for Your Role (Tatsuya/Doku)
Doku Shi Avatar
Liberta's Dormitory Zone
Legold Dormitory
Legold, "the entertainer's dorm," AKA the "dorm of heart" by some.
Just like the Uniteal and Silvolver dorms, it has two different wings for genders. Each room is intended to be able to house up to four students. The public lounge of each dorm contains ample space to fit dorm members whilst allowing people to easily enter and exit. Those lounges, themselves, feature a particularly large TV, couches, bean bag chairs, tables, coffee tables, a few microwaves, and even an air hockey table! Beyond that, general amenities, properly stocked, are standard.
A pathway from each dorm extends to the Grand Courtyard.
last post Aug 22, 2022 10:23:54 GMT Magic Tricks (Allen | Riku)
Allen Akiyama Avatar
Uniteal Dormitory
Uniteal, "the architect's dorm," AKA the "dorm of soul" by some.
Silvolver Dormitory
Silvolver, "the dominator's dorm," AKA the "dorm of power" by some.
last post Jun 28, 2023 13:32:08 GMT A Second Time (Doku; Rina)
Rina Kasakura Avatar
Silvershine and Online
The City of Silvershine
The city of Silvershine is a vibrant coastal metropolis, consisting mostly of the latest and sleekest in Kaiba Corporation technology! Shimmering silvers, blues, and whites make up most of the landscape as a perfect backdrop for the myriad of colors present from the Solid Vision advertisements and eye-catches out in the open air - mostly on the mainland! Visit the "Oldtown," the "DOJOs," and the many shops located all across the city! Visiting a sibling at the Leo Masters Dual School? That's here, too!
((Any thread intended within the city that doesn't quite fit the rest of the available areas should go here!))
last post Jul 11, 2024 5:01:51 GMT Lost in "Paradise"
Axar Drogo Avatar
Vircha Space
A virtual reality cyberspace created outside of Europe where people using 3D avatars can hang out and/or duel in virtual areas online, or handle any business talks or transactions - like banking or shopping - on other company's own Vircha spaces. Having your own Vircha space is easy and customizable - one could even create small roleplay worlds inside their Vircha space!
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last post Nov 1, 2023 21:59:51 GMT Enchanting Love, Omegaverse RP +16
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latest post - Jul 11, 2024 5:01:51 GMT
Lost in "Paradise"
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