Liberta Duel Academy is a Yu-Gi-Oh! roleplay site set in an Alternate Universe (AU) version of the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, set roughly 50 years after the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions movie. Liberta Duel Academy is set in the city of Silvershine located in a fictional small country known as Silva, somewhere along the western coastside of Europe.
September through October 20X1 - Welcome, Class of 20X4!
The new school year at Liberta Duel Academy is here! Students - new and returning - are adjusting to their school life and getting themselves settled in. The entrance ceremony presented the principal's address, spoke of Dorm Rankings, and introduced the Student Council. Alongside the standard Master Duels, the experimental "Specialty Duels" were announced to those new to the academy. So unpack; duel a fellow or two; explore the academy and the city of Silvershine! Action; adventure; slice of life; it's up to you! How will you have yours unfold?
Post by Rina Kasakura on May 22, 2023 23:22:34 GMT
"Good job, minion...! I was entertained...." said Rina, still facing away.
Soon, Rina reviewed her memory to recall if she showed up with anything. "Jacket..., backpack...," as she went to retrieve them, "...Mmmnnngh... was that it...?" She discreetly glanced around to try to remember. . . . ".... . . . . ...---Oh...!" She looked down at the jean legs ties around her. "Check. .... . . . . I~ think that's~... eeeverythiiing. . . ."
"Huh?" Wasn't 'going now' obvious, she thought to herself. "Well yeah. ...---I am, anyway;" stated matter-of-factly. Next, explaining "I've still got my stuff to do, later, but yeah, if the shop's got that card, I'd rather get on it, now, than wait and they're gone, right?" She looked at the time, however she could. "I've got~... about~ 40 minutes to burn, so, yeah. I'mma head out now, just in case." She then looked to Doku and paused for a second, recalling the moment when Doku asked to come with. She then realized that the way they had conversed didn't necessarily imply an immediate trip.
"Oh wait! Did you have something else you were gonna do, right now?" Rina clapped her hands together, faux-begging for forgiveness. "Sorry! I didn't even make sure we were talking about the same thing...! ---Well, 'same time'...!" she corrected herself. The redhead had this hesitant look on her face, like she wasn't yet sure of something..., but she asked it anyway:
"...Not coming...?" She, for some reason, internally hated asking that negative question, lightly cringing as the words escaped - but she didn't want to brazenly ask 'Are you coming (or not)?' and wasn't sure, in the moment, how to better phrase things, but didn't want the awkward silence to linger too long. But at least now, the ball was in Doku's court. ...---Kind of. Regardless, as explained, she would go to the shop, no matter what, as long as she had the time to do so. Whether she'd have a friend with her or not was the question.
Ace Monster: "Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird;" "Volcanic Doomfire"
"Minon...?" Doku wasn't exactly sure HOW to respond to her statement there it was funny, but Doku would soon let it turn into a deep chuckle. He really hadn't laughed this much in a good while, it was refreshing. He was glad to finally find a friend he could hang out with, so that was a big bonus!
"If you forget something just... text me I guess?" He explained before looking at the door. Then towards the orange-haired woman. He wasn't to go RIGHT NOW but hey, he didn't wanna say no. So the purple-haired boy would nod, looking at the woman. "Yeah uh okay! We can go"
"No, I don't actually have anything to do right now..." He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly. Doku waved his hand shaking his head. "No no, I'll come, I just didn't know we were gonna go right now!" The boy moved more over towards his door.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
Regarding the possibility of leaving something behind, Doku let her know to text him if that ends up being the case. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind, as being sure in the end was how she preferred to roll. "Oh yeah. Alrighty," nodding. With the thought now in her head, she also hoped that he'd call her if he finds something of hers that becomes forgotten on her end. But she couldn't think of anything else, at the moment, so the redhead felt... mooostly pretty sure that she had everything on her person.
And with Doku agreeing to come along with her to the shop, but explaining his surprise over the suddenness of it, all Rina responded with was a peppy "Yupz~*."
As Doku approached the door, a thought of courtesy came to mind - albeit likely unnecessary. She was already set to go, so as to not stand over him and look like she was waiting on him to get moving, she said to the boy, "I'll wait just outside for ya," pointing to and through the door, unlocking and opening it afterward to do just that.
Well... I guess Doku was a Minon now? He would find himself thinking about it, a nickname I guess? A good story to tell in the future!
The purple-haired boy would think about it. He was sure Rina didn't leave anything, but he just wanted to talk more I suppose? Doku would soon find himself patting his pockets, trying to make sure HE wasn't going to leave anything behind. Soon after, the purple-haired boy walked towards his door.
Well grabbed his phone and his keys, walked to the door, and exited from his room. Locking the door as he looked towards the orange-haired girl. "Alright, Rina~ Lead the way!" He gave a quick chuckle looking at his friend.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
Post by Rina Kasakura on Jun 28, 2023 13:32:08 GMT
"March!" leading the way, with a fist in the air, Rina exaggeratedly took very stiff steps forward, trying to avoid bending at the knees.
...She only did this for about six of seven steps before returning to normal, feeling silly for thinking to herself that she would do it until she got to the main staircase leading down into the lobby. After reaching the staircase and heading down it, Rina glanced about, seeing other students doing the various things that they could - and in some cases, maybe shouldn't - be doing in the lobby. She kept herself naturally quiet as she passed by everyone and passed through the main doors to the world outside of the dorm with Doku by her side.
The sky had cleared up from the darkness that was there when she went to Doku's dorm room. It also seemed to have rained while she was there. Little puddles decorated the walkways and droplets shined elsewhere. The air smelled nice, too; perhaps it was a sign of luck or fortune coming their way.
From here, Rina and Doku would chat and proceed to the main building where the school store is located, hoping to bolster their decks with amazing cards for their respective needs.