Liberta Duel Academy is a Yu-Gi-Oh! roleplay site set in an Alternate Universe (AU) version of the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, set roughly 50 years after the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions movie. Liberta Duel Academy is set in the city of Silvershine located in a fictional small country known as Silva, somewhere along the western coastside of Europe.
September through October 20X1 - Welcome, Class of 20X4!
The new school year at Liberta Duel Academy is here! Students - new and returning - are adjusting to their school life and getting themselves settled in. The entrance ceremony presented the principal's address, spoke of Dorm Rankings, and introduced the Student Council. Alongside the standard Master Duels, the experimental "Specialty Duels" were announced to those new to the academy. So unpack; duel a fellow or two; explore the academy and the city of Silvershine! Action; adventure; slice of life; it's up to you! How will you have yours unfold?
Post by Rina Kasakura on Jun 30, 2022 16:19:01 GMT
Having eventually returned to a respectable position, she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. It had been a while since she had a big laugh like that; it felt good! Then later, when Yuki addressed her regarding the friend-zoning statement, Rina released a residual chuckle. "Heheh. Yeah. But he's not wrong, y'know; we really are just friends, so it's fine, it's fine~," hand-waving it off. She wasn't thinking of anything more than friendship with Doku, anyway, so as far as Yuki's concerned, it all works out, right?
"I think it'd be weird, otherwise. I mean, you don't know, but we actually just met the other day." A quick thought surfaced in her mind, which she allowed to spill out of her mouth. "Like..., you know how in magazines they sometimes talk about couples that get together, right? And then after they're married, they break up so fast - like, in-a-couple-o'-months fast! Like, why?? Why do they get together when they're just gonna break up?? Y'know?" The Legold girl folded her arms. ".... I don't get it, and I don't wanna be like that," she said plainly. "If I'm with someone, we're not gonna get married until we know each other so well that we won't need to break up." Rina kinda left it at that, for the most part. She sat there with a nod and a stern look on her face as she continued to think about it while staring at the distant landscape unseeable from Doku's door.
A bit after that, Rina's maw opened slightly as another thought came to her. "Oh! Do you have to head back right away, Yuki, or are you sticking around for a while?" The redhead then faux-whispered "There's gonna be pizza soon-ish!"
Ace Monster: "Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird;" "Volcanic Doomfire"
Well hey, Rina was right! Doku would nod and speak to his sister. "Exactly, Yuki you know I can have female friends right?" He sighed. The sister would let out a smile, "I know, I know" She folded her arms. "I just like messing with you Doku~" She leaned in close to her brother, sticking her tongue out. Well that much was already apparent. Doku sighed returning to his seat quietly. Listening to both Rina and his sister talk about stuff.
"Yeah, those magazines are so silly." The girl shook her head before focusing on Rina. "I do a lot of video watching and reading when I'm sitting around home! Some celeberties have had like 20 wives!" She seemed really surprised to hear that fact. "A lot of celeberties do it to stur up attention, like that singer from Europe, who broke up with her husband the other week, no one was talking about her!" Yuki explained. "I listen to this music podcast, and it explained that. Her music sales doubled!"
Doku's ears perked up and turned, to speak out on the conversation. "Doubled? Damn..." I mean it did make sense to Doku. You were suddenly in the spotlight for something that was often super personal. Yuki listened as Rina asked if she was going to stick around. This caused Yuki to quickly pull her phone out and checking the time. "Oh! No, I gotta get back, dad's got dinner cooking" She explained, she walked over, and ruffled Doku's hair.
With a quick chuckle she waved. "Bye Doku, Bye Rina. I'll see yah tomorrow!" She flicked Doku's nose before she left his room leaving just Doku and Rina again. Once she was gone, Doku looked at Rina, giving her a rather sad sounding sigh. "I'm sorry about her, she's always trying to mess with me..." he rubbed his neck, it seemed like he loved Yuki, but was super embarrassed with her teasing.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
It was good to know that Yuki understood the situation. Rina wouldn't want every interaction to involve relationship stuff in any serious context. At least now, if it is brought up again, Rina will know not to take it seriously - assuming she remembers that detail in the moment.
Continuing the conversation on celebrity break-ups, Yuki mentioned a certain star who was mentioned on a music podcast, which caused her music sales to double. Rina was more shocked than Doku was - if only by a little. It never even occurred to her as to why fans and the rest of the general public would lend the additional support to such a degree. "Seriously!? I didn't hear about the double sales part. ...That's insane~...." The redhead seriously underestimated the hustle of celebrities.
Later, Yuki declined the offer of pizza, as she confirmed that she had dinner waiting for her, back home. "Aaaw, too bad.... Oh well; maybe another time, then, or something." It really was too bad that she had to go so soon, but the redhead understood and didn't want to hold her if she had somewhere else to be. Thinking about that, she assumed Yuki had someone bring her here. In that case, the person must have been waiting for a little while now.
With the girl saying her goodbyes, Rina raised her arm up above her head; "Bye, Yuki! Take care~!"
Rina slumped a little, being more relaxed as Doku's sister left the dorm room. She sat silently for a bit as Doku spoke up. With a tilt of her head and a flick of her wrist, though, she brushed off his concerns. "You're still on about that stuff...? You know that I know that she's just messing around, now, right? So you can stop bringing out the apologies, already," she said as she stood and straightened herself out. A sigh escaped as Rina then approached Doku, adding "I don't need to tell you not to take her seriously," before lightly punching toward his shoulder, "but quit worrying so much! ...'Kay?" She then backed off and moved to the side as she tacked on "Just roll with it! Clap back, or something! Don't get all embarrassed; make it into something fun!" all while not looking back in his direction.
Then, without much of a break: "There. I said my piece." She glanced back at him after pointing towards the door that she had moved in the direction of a moment ago. "Washroom?"
Rina would then proceed to wherever Doku's washroom was. "Let's get back to the game when I get back."
Ace Monster: "Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird;" "Volcanic Doomfire"
Yuki nodded her head, looking at Rina. "Yep! She's a high-selling artist again!" Doku wasn't surprised to hear this, his sister was super into indie music, games, and such. She always kept up with that kind of stuff. "Yeah for sure! We should hang out sometime Rina~" Yuki teased before leaving, leaving just Doku and Rina.
Doku let out a soft sigh of relief. "You'd be surprised, a couple of other people didn't get she was messing around. I lost a date because of that!" He gave a laugh, it was a little saddening, but funny in retrospect. Thank God Rina was able to understand that. "I'll try!" He chuckled, "I'm a little... insecure. I don't really have a lot of friends and I'm having a really good time playing with you" he admitted, trying to not be so mopey, but it was the truth. "Well, it's always good seeing Yuki out and about!"
Doku nodded, "That one" He pointed towards a small door next to his closet. Inside, Rina would notice the washroom was extremely clean and tidy. Doku nodded, excited to play their game yet again. He sat down in his chair and went through the menu, equipping his character with better equipment. A dragon fang dagger and chainmail armor.
About 5 minutes after Doku would hear a knock, opening the door it was none other than the pizza delivery man! Huzzah! Doku handed some cash to cover not only the pizza but the tip! Well shit... Doku didn't have a table big enough to put down the pizza, he grabbed a towel from his closet, placed it down on his bed, and put the pizza box on top of it. His bed would have to do! Opening up the box, the smell of pizza would fill the room. He picked up a slice and started eating it, while waiting on Rina.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
Responding to the loss of a date due to Yuki's teasing, as she stood up, Rina agreed and chuckled for a second, and was ready to give her counterargument, but as she was approaching Doku, the totality of his words finally sunk in, and it had to be addressed. She flinched when it hit and she took a step back as if to be wary of his power level.
"---!!! Wait! There were other people!?"
The shock was legitimate. Within the assumed context, Rina took it to mean that Doku had courted at least 2 other girls before that last one. She already knew that Doku was trying at it - oh for sure! But to think... but to THINK that he actually had success three times...! Oh boy! Oh baby a triple! What a dawg! She underestimated his ability... and it was quite the gut punch...!
And yet, despite his efforts, his sister, Yuki, drove them all away, likely without much effort, too. Yikes. That had to be rough for him. With that thought in mind, Rina decided to cut the guy some slack, though with the restrained smile, you wouldn't immediately think so.
A sigh escaped to match Doku's own. "Well still," she began, resuming her approach, "I don't need to tell you not to take her seriously, but quit worrying so much! ...'Kay?" lightly punching his shoulder and continuing on from there.
Doku responded, speaking of insecurity, limited friends, and his enjoyment of the time he's spending with the girl in front of him. "Well, two out of three of those I can relate to." She then paused. "...Maybe 2 'n' a half; everyone's gotta be insecure about something, right? Egh." She quickly shrugged it off with a smile before turning away. "Anyway! There. I said my piece."
She then asked for the washroom, pointing to a certain door; Doku responded, with Rina reciprocating the nod and proceeding.
While in the washroom, Rina had faintly heard the knocking on the other door. Was the pizza person finally here? She could hear brief muffled conversation, then the door closed. She assumed it was the pizza.
After ensuring to leave the washroom in more or less the state she found it in, she came out and spotted Doku with the pizza on his bed, the wafting scent of the food filled her nostrils and her soul. Having understood her path of mobility, she closed her eyes and zombie-walked slightly more than halfway towards the scent origin. "Piiizzaaa...! PIIIzzaaa...!" She opened her eyes and raised her arms higher, as if preparing to leap on top of the pizza box - but not. At that point, she could see what toppings Doku chose. It was a peppewoni pizza. Her arms descended... and as they reached a slice of the pizza, she uttered a guttural "Thank yooou...!" a pizza zombie's appreciation as she carefully tore the slice off from the remaining whole and sat where she originally did. She was careful to avoid any major pizza messes, like touching anything other than the pizza, crumbs on the ground, or say, the oiliness dripping from the end of the pizza. Rina used both hands to avoid sullying the room in any way.
"I commend you for playing it safe. ---With the peppewoni choice," before taking a bite."
Ace Monster: "Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird;" "Volcanic Doomfire"
Well, Rina knew how to make Doku laughed at Rina's sheer shock! At least Rina could find some humor in his unfortune. Though, was it actually a good thing? I mean he made himself sound like a loser. Well hey, at least he knew Rina had a good sense of humor and really did wanna his friend. The purple haired boy would awkwardly rub his neck. Well, at least Rina was personally telling him to quit worrying.
Man, to be honest, this Orange haired girl really knew how to make him feel calm. She had a point about everyone being insecure about something. Though, Doku couldn't help but theorize which of the three she didn't relate to. Well that wasn't important right now. Doku watched as Rina walked towards the pizza, her zombie walk was amusing to say the least. "Well everyone likes pepperoni, well. Only weird people don't." He would light chuckle. "I could have been that weirdo who gets pineapple pizza and ruin lunch!" He said enjoying his slice. "Say. What time is it and when are you leaving?" He asked out of curiosity. "We can defiantly safe and play more another day, other than work I don't do much so uh, we can... plan.. stuff..." He got awkward at the end there. Was it obvious he didn't hang out much?
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
Post by Rina Kasakura on Aug 17, 2022 20:47:21 GMT
Rina nodded and audibly grunted in agreement with the Silvolver student as she ate; only weirdos don't like pepperoni pizza! When Doku brought up the possibility of being 'that guy' who gets pineapple pizza, the Legold lass, with eyes closed, could only grin cheekily as she chewed. After a second, she wagged a finger, ultimately stalling for time so that she could swallow.
Her eyes opened, springing to life. "It's not bad, actually! Like, why do people hate pineapples on pizza so much, anyway?? I don't get it. It's sweet and tastes good, right? And it lightens the strong pizza flavour a bit, too. ...---And if you save the pineapple pieces for after, they kinda reset the taste in your mouth," speaking from experience, no doubt. "I think they mesh just fine, if you ask me."
When she was asked what time it was and when she was leaving, the orange-haired teen took that as her cue to not overstay her welcome. Maybe it was the way he said it, or just the words he chose, but it sounded like maybe he was getting worn out? Rina wouldn't blame him if that was the case. With how much Yuki's teasing got to him, that might've sapped his energy down to minimum. The grape-haired teen then added that they could definitely save their game and plan to continue another day - further cementing Rina's assumptions. Well, with the pizza in front of her, she wasn't about to leave right away, nor did she think that Doku expected her to.
The redhead looked around for the time, and when she found it, she let him know. Then, regarding the inquiry on her visit, she stated "I can stay, like, another hour, I think - maybe an hour an' a half...? ...Time sure flies, huh?"
"Really? Guess we can never really be true friends after all" With a pause, Doku took another bite of pizza, before swallowing, his face was completely serious! Though once he finished his slice, he would laugh, showing he was joking about his previous statement.
The purple haired boy was prone to scrolling on his phone, seems like he was checking out social media or something. He would sometimes glance at Rina, curious. Was it rude? He... wasn't sure, like he said he was new to this whole hangout session thing.
"It's up to you, you can stay as long as you want" It seemed like Doku really didn't mind her staying longer. "Just... not a sleepover. I'd get kicked out of this school so quick..." That... might be true, given Doku's history and infamy. So... let's hope that didn't happen.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram
With Doku seemingly serious about the pineapple on pizza issue, Rina, at first, could only give him a disbelieving, analyzing gaze, accompanied by a smirk. A few seconds later, with a faint feeling of uncertainty setting in, she finally responded with "Are you for real, right now??" She wasn't wholly believing his shtick, but there could be a hint of truth in it, which allowed that uncertainty to creep in. He didn't say anything for a bit as he was still eating his pizza. As such, with him not staying anything after the first portion, Rina craned her neck a bit, turning her face slightly away from him, but still eyeing the boy in the same fashion. Was he really snubbing her? Naw! ...Right?
Before long, apparently after consuming the pizza, he released a laugh that, while annoyed the girl minutely, infectiously caused Rina to chuckle as she let off a mental sigh of relief. At the same time, from where she sat, she bounded up and toward Doku to punch him in the shoulder, grinning all the while. "Buttmunch! I almost thought you were serious! Y'loser! .... Gimme this," taking another slice with a chuckle before dropping back down to where she sat. Still smirking in disbelief that she let him fool her in the slightest, she shook her head.
For the time being, Rina had all the pizza she was willing to take. She left to wash her hands, then she returned to Doku doing something on the phone while eating. She chose not to disturb him, thinking that he'd get back to the game once he's ready. The redhead sat facing slightly more towards the computer, looking at things on the screen - and stuff around the computer setup. Every once in a while, Rina did glance back, curious as to what the teen was doing, exactly, but the first few times, she didn't say anything, though she was beginning to wonder.
After being asked what time it was, etc., and responding the way that she did, Doku told her anything was good except a sleepover. Rina blinked. "! ...Oh. No? ...Okay...." She glanced away. "...So much for that, then." Then, almost as quickly, she clapped her hands together and perked up. "Alright! Let's get in another hour or so o' this thing!" shuffling closer to the computer. "Finish your pizza and let's go!"
Doku would simply just chuckle along with Rina, she was rather annoyed it seemed. Well Doku looked towards Rina. "Buttmunch? Haven't heard that since elementary..." He let out another deep laugh, looking at the orange haired girl. "You're unique aren't yah" The boy would compliment her. Well as time passed it seems the two of them took a huge dent out of the pizza, what seemed to be one slice left.
Doku would also quickly wash his hands, not wanting that nasty pizza grease on his controllers. Once his hands were all clean, he'd sit down and grab his controller returning to the game. "Wait...? You... wanted that?" He asked a little bit... confused? That was not something he was expecting. "If anyone found out I'd be up the creek!" He laughed. Rina and Doku's characters were currently in a town and Doku was selling off a lot of junk, where as Rina was free to explore the town, buying what ever she needed, or even training up her spells! The possibilities were endless
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram