Liberta Duel Academy is a Yu-Gi-Oh! roleplay site set in an Alternate Universe (AU) version of the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, set roughly 50 years after the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions movie. Liberta Duel Academy is set in the city of Silvershine located in a fictional small country known as Silva, somewhere along the western coastside of Europe.
September through October 20X1 - Welcome, Class of 20X4!
The new school year at Liberta Duel Academy is here! Students - new and returning - are adjusting to their school life and getting themselves settled in. The entrance ceremony presented the principal's address, spoke of Dorm Rankings, and introduced the Student Council. Alongside the standard Master Duels, the experimental "Specialty Duels" were announced to those new to the academy. So unpack; duel a fellow or two; explore the academy and the city of Silvershine! Action; adventure; slice of life; it's up to you! How will you have yours unfold?
Now! What was the best way to spend this beautiful day off from school? Buying card packs of course! The newest set had came out rather recently. Why did Doku care? Well it was because Abyss Actors were receiving support! So Doku was gunning for the new link and spells specially!
Additional he was gonna do some sibling bonding. His sister has just gotten her treatment so she wanted to pick up a book or two for while she rested, and Doku was more than willing to take his sister out.
Giving the cashier roughly 25 dollars, he got a soda and some packs. (Though let’s not talk about how many more he got…). He was down to his final pack! Taking a big sip of his soda he’d rip open the paper and soon fan out the 5 cards he pulled.
Risebell the Summoner The Little Swordsman of Aile Star Drawing Iron Core of the Koa'ki Meiru Puppet Knight
With a sigh, Doku would look at the cards thinking. “I guess Puppet Knight has a big body… and star drawing for xyz…” bleh, these cards were useless. He placed his cards in a stack, around 100 or so. His sister current browsing the aisles, looking for any book that caught her attention.
It was a nice September day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the leaves had yet to fully turn. Not that any of this matters, of course, as Allen was indoors. At the local mini-mall, to be precise. He was there on several errands, and was quite happy with himself. Given Allen was 16, he managed to save up some money from some odd-jobs and street performing, which he used to buy the moped from his upperclassmen that he had borrowed before. Luckily, Allen was able to get it for cheap as 1, the upperclassmen was a cool dude and treated Allen like a little brother, and 2, had a crush on the 30 year old dorm mom, and wanted to make himself look better in front of her. Allen tactfully chose to not prod that one, and accept his upperclassmen's good graces.
Now, for the errands he was on. The dorm mother, the very same one the upperclassmen was crushing on, was having her wedding ring repaired, and asked Allen to pick it up for her while he was out since he was going to the mini-mall anyway. One of his reasons? The Magic shop he frequents got his order of some clothing and a new prop to add to his stage outfit. He didn't wear the top for his usual outfit, as it was a bit too eye-catching for going out in public if he's not street performing, so instead he was wearing the usual bottom portion, and his usual white shirt and black short sleeve hoodie. The other, and slightly less important reason, is he had a box waiting for him and the local cardshop in the mini-mall.
As he was heading through the mini-mall going to leave, his box and new prop in his bag, he happened to spot someone he recognized. Looking closer as he passed, Allen couldn't help but ask. "Hey.... Aren't you that dude who wrote that really cringe-worthy poem to confess?" He asked, as he had seen the footage. It was circulating on their school's student forum, and even through the different chatrooms the school has on LINE. Noticing the stack of cards next to him, Allen grimaced a bit. "Bad pulls, I'm guessing?" He asked, taking a guess based on the stack of cards, the wrappers, and the fact there was only the singular stack.
Allen's text color: 1eafd3 Allen's Aces: Dark Magician the Dragon Knight and Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal
Doku was flicking through the massive pile. Tiger Axe... Toon Alligator, Burning Draw, Unformed Void. He was trying to find anything useful in this massive stack. "Pot Of Riches is okay I guess..." However, his thinking was quickly interrupted, by a voice. The, hey, caused Doku to look up towards the boy that was addressing him. He looked... familiar? Probably from the same school? Though he was quickly asked a question he had heard countless times as of late. God. That poem... not his proudest moment. How did it go again?
"My love for you is like an Ojama, I love you more than a trip to the Bahamas, and even more than a llama loves his momma. I love you in a dress and also in Pajamas!"
Well hey, Doku couldn't change the past, but hey, he could at least get popular being a bit of a class clown. He would sigh. "Hey, I'll have you know the Ojama line was pretty good!" The video in question had gone pretty viral. "Bad Pulls in an understanding, I want the new Abyss Actor cards." He would flash a card to Allen. Iron Core specifically, "I got none, what am I suppose to do with this..."
Soon, a girl with purple hair would run towards the two of them, an open book pressed against her chest. "Doku! Doku! Doku! Look at this one!" Before anyone could really process what happened, Doku had the book shoved in his face, the boy would manage to read the book squinting. It was just a rather crappy fantasy romance novel.
"The princess and the beggar are finally together!" She would soon go back to reading the book, the speed at which she was reading and turning the pages was simply... cartoonish. She would turn her head towards Allen. "Who's your friend?" She asked, Yuki's tone was a lot less fast, she did a dead stare at Allen. It was clear this girl did NOT know how to socialize.
Doku Text Color: "#d619e6" Yuki Text Color: "#07dbe4" Ace Monster: Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram